Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum order I must meet to order medications?

No, there is no minimum order size.

Is there a long-term contract I have to sign?


How long does it take to get started?

Once we receive a completed application, including the required license(s), we can have you set up in as little as 3 business days. For more information, or if you’re ready to get started, please contact us through our Contact form or by calling (844) VERITYRX

Will you help me customize a formulary based on what other clinics of my same specialty are doing?

Absolutely! In fact, our in-house team has already created formularies for most types of practices which we can provide as a guideline and help you customize it to your needs.

What medications do you carry?

VerityRx carries a full catalogue of generic, injectable medications. Please review one of our sample formularies for the most common medications. If you don’t see a specific item on that list, please contact us through our contact form or give us a call at (844) VERITYRX as we likely can still offer it.